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As NOWCRJ enters its 16th anniversary, the organization is focused on strengthening its financial management systems and procedures. We are looking to redesign our systems to more comprehensively support our community organizing mission. The organization needs updated financial practices including the creation of participatory budget categories to reflect its programmatic priorities. As such, NOWCRJ is in search of a Financial Auditor to audit its Finance Department. It is accepting proposals to find a qualified source to evaluate and offer recommendations for updating its financial controls to support NOWCRJ's transition into a more transparent organization.


Submission Guidelines & Requirements

The following submission guidelines & requirements apply to this Request for Proposal:

Please send proposals to: 

  • Qualified individuals or firms with prior experience on projects such as this should submit proposals in response to this Request for Proposals.

  • Provide a technical proposal with a proposed approach, resumes of all key personnel, a schedule that includes milestones, etc.

  • If the organization submitting a proposal must outsource or contract any work to meet the requirements, this must be clearly stated in the proposal. Additionally, all costs included in proposals must include any outsourced or contracted work. Any proposals which call for outsourcing or contracting work must include a name and description of the organizations being contracted.

  • A price proposal must be provided and should indicate the overall fixed price for the project as well as hourly rates and an estimated total number of hours should NOWCRJ decide to award a contract on an hourly rate basis.

  • A representative, such as a Director or lead administrator, authorized to commit on behalf of the bidder's company must sign proposals.

  • If you have a standard set of terms and conditions, please submit them with your proposal. All terms and conditions will be subject to negotiation.

  • Proposals must remain valid for 30 days.

  • NOWCRJ anticipates selecting at least two individuals or firms to have more in-depth discussions with and will make an award to one of these "down-selected" individuals or firms.


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